Dream Big, Hustle Harder-Secret to Success.

So your adrenals are frazzled and you have no energy to move on but you keep pushing yourself through? Well,welcome to the club of doers! 
You,yes you are the crazy one.You are chasing a dream which no one but only you can see; a dream being spun into reality with invisible threads,which only your mind can fathom but no one else can see.

Many a times in our lives we see ourselves chasing long term goals,which in itself is very tiring and demands a lot of grit and perseverance.In this marathon,it's not unusual to see yourself quivering in the face of challenges,feeling like a mad man at brink of giving up,but remember that's NORMAL.When you are in for the big game,there's no turning back! It's time like these when you need to push yourself farther and remind yourself why you started.If you dreamt about standing in the crowd then you have to kick fear out of your zone!

Make strategies which help you to stand out.RISE and SHINE!!

So the question is what's the secret to success?
It's composed of just a few ingredients brewed smartly; pinch of this,a crumb of that,topped up with tantalizing spices.The problem is we all know the recipe but we don't follow it.Stop being the lazy bums and follow the mantra Om Nama Om.

1.Set a realistic plan
Many a times we set goals which aren't realistic e.g,you plan to finish three chapters a day with each over 50 pages,that too of a huge medicine book.That's absurd and we all know you can't let that plethora of information simmer into your brain cells in just one day!Go easy on yourself,set plans which are achievable otherwise it'll start a vicious cycle of guilt and incompetency and you'll just push yourself down the negative spiral.For a medical student a quick revision plans looks something like this,burnout score 10/10 :D

2.Have a study partner to keep you on track
Being a college senior you must have realized that there is only so much you can do yourself.You need a buddy to discuss,clarify the concepts and importantly keeping you focused on right path.While making study partners remember:two procrastinators won't make a manga cum laude.Choose partners who kick your ass and push you higher with them.Some students take this very seriously and their nerd buddies look something like this>

3.Start your day with an inspirational video/article

Don't get me wrong,I don't mean to lure you with lambo pics here:D
For me it's Nido Quebein/Paulo Coelho/Zig Zigler/Gurbaksh Chahal to name a few.Kick start your day with something which makes you more thirsty for your dream.

4.Hang out with positive people 

Spend time with ones who push you higher.We all have some people in our lives who are so optimistic and fill our inner vessels with positivity,who keep telling us that there is light at the end of a tunnel,who remind us that God created this darkness we are in so we can shine brighter than ever.Yes,these are the ones worth of your precious time.They believe in you and want the best for you,keep them close.

5.Cancel all the background noise 
By that I mean your 'negative' buddies who keep blabbering how problematic the life is and how we all are miserable,negative situations and all the drama.That just saps your inner strength,you won't have time to accomplish great things.Maintain your distance from this flock of pigeons.

6.Keep telling your mind you can do it
Our minds are programmed to believe what we feed into it,feed in negativity and you'll make the biggest loser out of yourself.

I repeat in caps keep reminding yourself "YOU CAN DO IT." Don't let anything come in the way of you and your dreams.

7. Good diet and plenty of fluids
You might have heard the old adage:a healthy body leads to a health mind.Stop taking junk food because your mind has already become a cortisol junkie pie from all the putrid stress.
Eat fruits and veggies,cut down on candies and crap.Keep the serotonins kicking in with the right quantity of chocolate;)

8.Proper sleep
It's hard to get hold of this one but a good night sleep is essential to recover from the stress.
Our mind isn't a magic drug,it has an expiry date,so even though you're pushing it to the brink with caffeine,once you reach a breakpoint you can't push it farther.But by proper sleep I don't mean you keep napping all day long.

9.Finally remember why you started,what's ahead and how it can change your life.A little optimism isn't bad after all.

The difference between a doer and ainter  is the former is crazy enough to keep sailing through the storms and believes that STARS SHINE IN DARKNESS.So,even if things aren't pretty good at the moment,everything will work out in the long run and all your hard work will finally pay off!
All you need is steadfastness in the face of tough times.

Good luck!

Guest Blogger: Lizzie Fizzie
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