Try Windows 10 With Cortana Now

The new Windows 10 technical preview is live and ready for your hands-on pleasure. It comes with Cortana right out of the box. Keep in mind that the preview is made available for testing purposes only. It means you should not use it as a daily driver. It should best be tested on a spare machine as it is expected to contain many bugs which may interfere with your office or college/school work. Having said that, follow the guide below which also contains, at the bottom the link to the download of the preview build. Have fun!

Follow these steps to download Technical Preview:

1. Sign up for the Windows Insider Program, if you haven't already.

2. Read the system requirements.

3. Click one of the Download links at the bottom of this page to download a special file—it's called an ISO file—that you can use to install the preview.

4. When the download is complete, transfer the ISO file to installation media such as a USB flash drive or DVD. You will need at least a 4 GB USB flash drive if you are going to install it via USB. For making a bootable USB with Windows, download Microsoft Windows USB/DVD Tool from THIS PAGE and follow the instructions.

5. Boot your machine from USB and follow the steps.

6. Remember to choose Custom installation option to do a fresh install and avoid upgrading your existing Windows. Upgrading the existing Windows may cause several unwanted problems.

Download links

Select your preferred language flavor for Windows 10 below. Most will choose English (United States).


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