The Importance Of Exposing Children To Technology

We just got hit with a snowstorm here in the Northeastern U.S. a few days ago. My neck of the woods was spared the worst of it, but we got enough snow for the schools and roads to be shut down, so my kids got to spend a couple of days at home with Dad and Mom. I’ve got two young girls, aged 4 and 5, which means my wife and I are at the stage where we’re constantly answering questions and (trying to) explain how things work. Today though, I kicked things up a few notches using a new “toy” my 5 year old got as a Christmas gift that we set aside for just such an occasion.

The toy is called Snap Circuits Jr. It’s basically comprised of an over-sized breadboard-like base and includes circuit elements that snap into place, sort of like Lego pieces. The kit we got as a gift included some wiring, a buzzer, a few LEDs and resistors (including a photo resistor), some basic ICs for tone generation, switches, and an electric motor with a propeller attachment. There was a book of circuit examples include as well.

My 5 year old has already expressed interested in electronics and technology. She’s helped me build a handful of systems and already knows her way around Android, iOS, and the touch-centric portions of Windows 8.1. Something like this Snap Circuits kit is definitely more intricate and low-level than what she’s used to, but a lazy snow-day seemed like the perfect time to experiment to see where things went.

Teaching Basic Electronics And Circuitry With Snap Circuits.

It turns out that both of my daughters loved it. And it was one of those proud Dad moments that will stay with me forever.

Now I understand that not all children are going to be interested in electricity, electronics and circuits, but most kids love cause-and-effect type toys and toys that can be manipulated to perform an action. And that’s just what the Snap Circuits did. We made one basic circuit the spun an electric motor, another that lit up a couple of LEDs, and a third that played music when a button was pressed. And my kids were enthralled the entire time. The final circuit we put together was a “conductivity tester” and for the next hour or so the girls ran around the house testing the electrical conductivity of various things. The verdict? Scissors—Yes. My Little Ponies—No.

This experience got me thinking about just how much better off (I hope) my children are than I was at their age. I had been exposed to computers and electronics in grade school and took such a liking to them that it developed into career. Thankfully, my parents let me run wild with my tech toys and didn’t stifle me due to the social stigma attached to computers and technology. I won’t be using all of the tech I have access to as a digital babysitter, but I sure as heck will encourage any learning experiments my girls may want to partake in. At 4 and 5, my girls are already more advanced than I was just prior to high school.

Who knows—In a couple of decades, I may have a pair of Electrical Engineers in the family.

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