Search Engine Used In The Movie Sicario Is Actually A Virus

Last night  I got some free time to kill so I decided to watch the action thriller "Sicario". The movie really deserves the rating it got on IMDb. During the movie the one thing that caught my attention was the scene where Kate Macer (Emily Blunt) was searching the internet for some pictures (for some reason I am not gonna tell here). As a tech enthusiast, the search engine that she was using got my interest so I decided to look closer to find what engine was being used. It was hard to read because it was blurred the whole time but somehow I managed to make some sense out of it.

Scene with the Search Engine

When I searched google for the suspected name, I was surprised with the results that google returned. A lot of results were related to the queries made by folks about removing the pain-in-the-ass virus-of-a-search engine from their browsers. You know the kind that overtakes your browser when installing some free apps and makes your life a hell.

I guess the tech guy of the film crew didn't bother to look into that and let the actress use the browser like that.

The name of the search engine is homepage-web dot com and here is a tutorial on how to remove it if it's bugging your browser as well.
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