An Insight Into Latest Android Distribution Numbers

Android distribution figures are published every month by Google to give us a better idea of where the platform stands in terms of marketshare. While KitKat and Jelly Bean have dominated the chart for quite a while now, we’re now seeing Lollipop marking its entry in the list officially.
The latest version of Android has been missing from the distribution chart over the past couple of months as Google only shows Android versions with more than 0.1% marketshare. The latest reading puts Android 5.0 Lollipop at 1.6%, which is a significant improvement. The Android 4.4.x market share is up by 0.6% with the platform now standing at 39.7%.
The good news for Google is that other Android versions are seeing a steady drop in market share with Jelly Bean coming down to 44.5% while a month ago it was at 46%.
This means that more users are making the shift to Android 4.4 KitKat. Even though this isn't the latest version of Android anymore, Google will be pleased to know that customers are transitioning from older versions of Android like Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean.
The company will be more pleased if it can replicate similar success with Android 5.0 Lollipop. The fact that it has seen a significant increase over the last month or so will be reassuring for Google.
Source | Android Developers
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